Monday, November 6, 2017

2nd week- How does your garden grow?

 This Monday after lunch, we're all tucked in for a walk.  Laura sent us out for a while.
 I didn't stray too far from familiar territory, as the streets go every which direction and I'm easily turned around in my directions in an unfamiliar place.  We ended up at the gardens, as I was wanting to see what they looked like this time of year.
The answer--well, pretty different than our gardens look the end of Oct back at home!  Although the weather is quite cool, it is pretty mild and there are still flowers blooming and fall crops growing! 

 I love the bright yellow shed that Laura and Frederik built at the back of their garden.

 Flowers blooming in the front yard at Laura's--

and then we were home (rather quickly from the gardens as it had started to rain!) and she finished her nap after a nice walk in the fresh air.


  1. Love that it's still warm enough for things to grow! Snow on the ground here this am. Enjoy your time with that precious little girl and her folks! Hugs!!

  2. Seeing other's gardens makes me think I'd like to get out and really go to town on gardening. Then reality hits and I'm lucky to just keep up what I have.


Family of Four

Not much going on in this house except cooking and keeping mama and baby fed & happy! Oh, and the toddler too!  A few pictures from our...